Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) — Chair, US Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC)
LISTEN: Laslo & Wicker
Ask a Pol asks:
Curious your thoughts on the Trump White House claim the FAA knows what's hovering over sensitive sites — especially after the Langley AFB incursion?
Key Wicker:
“Okay, let me give you a little background here,” Sen. Roger Wicker exclusively told Ask a Pol.
WATCH: 60 Minutes ‘drone’ segment w/ Chair Wicker
Source: YouTube, 60 Minutes.
Caught our ear:
“I don't want to be quoted about drones,” SASC Chair Wicker.*
*Laslo covered Wicker for Mississippi Public Broadcasting for years, so he let the Chair off this time. But we’re coming for Mr. Wicker, and not just cause 60 Minutes has nothing on Ask a Pol…
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Roger Wicker
SCENE: Earlier in the day, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo asked Sen. Roger Wicker about the Trump administration’s claim that the FAA was aware of and approved all the UAPs flying over New Jersey at the end of last year. Wicker got confused and thought Laslo was asking about the NTSB recommendation that the FAA ban helicopters from flying over the Potomac River near the Ronald Reagan National Airport after the deadly collision a few weeks ago.
For the second time that day, Laslo catches up with the notoriously untalkative Chair Wicker as he’s walking past a security checkpoint on the first floor of the Capitol before the two proceed to walk outside together for a brief convo — one, sadly, Wicker demanded be on background.
Laslo only agreed to get him talking, and when Congress returns next week Ask a Pol’s looking for Wicker again — only on the record next go round…
Matt Laslo: “Sir, I was actually…”
Beeps from magnetometer in background.
Roger Wicker: “I already talked to you once.”
What should we ask Congress next? Let us know!
ML: “But I was actually wondering…”
RW: “Don’t you know my rule?”
Beeps from magnetometer in background.
ML: “Oh, I know, sir. I was actually wondering if you misheard my question, because I was...”
Beeps from magnetometer in background.
RW: “Are you willing to walk with me…”
ML: “Yes sir. Sure.”
RW: “…because I’m going outside.”
ML: “Wherever the chair wants me to go.”
RW: “Yeah, yeah.”
ML: “Because I was asking about the drones over sensitive military sites in Jersey and elsewhere.”
ICYMI — NJ lawmakers aren’t buying White House story
RW: “What did I — what was I…?”
ML: “You talked about Hal Rogers’ place, and I was like, wait…”
Former House Appropriations — or spending — Committee Chair Hal Rogers (R-KY) was first elected to Congress in 1980 and is still representing southeastern Kentucky’s coal country in Congress, and it seems he has an apartment with a great view of Washington, the Potomac and all the air traffic traversing the busy airspace.
RW: “Oh, no, I thought you were talking about [the crash over the Potomac]…”
ML: “That's what I [thought].”
RW: “I'm so sorry. Yeah.”
ML: “That's where I was curious what your thoughts are on the claim that the FAA knows what's hovering over sensitive sites — I mean, especially after the Langley incursion?”
ICYMI — 2 lawmakers tell us UAP recovered at Langley
RW: “Well…”
ML: “Or are the two not…?”
RW: “Okay, let me give you a little background here...”
ML: “Yeah?”
RW: “…because I don't want to be quoted about drones.”
ML: “Fair, fair.”
Wicker and Laslo keep walking and talking for another minute or so — hence the dead air in this podcast episode — just because Laslo wants to warm him up to discuss the issue after his 60 Minutes episode airs (which it did, though Congress is out on recess this week…).
ML: “…makes life easier?”
RW: “Yes. Yeah.”
Laslo laughs.
ML: “Alright…”
RW: “I should resign from office.”
Wicker laughs.
ML: “No, not at all, sir.”
Wicker stops laughing.
ML: “I’m gonna look for you on the record one day.”
Laslo starts heading back to the Capitol as Wicker crosses the street on his way back to the Senate Office Buildings across the street.
ML: “Preciate ya.”
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