Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand — Armed Services & Intelligence Committees
LISTEN: Laslo & Gillibrand
Ask a Pol asks:
Are we gonna see a UAP hearing this month?
Key Gillibrand:
“Yeah,” Gillibrand exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “I have it on the schedule.”
Caught our ear regarding AARO:
“There's a new head that's been identified,” Gillibrand tells us. “I don’t know that it’s been publicly named yet, but I'm hoping that the new head will be the one to testify.”

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), slightly edited for clarity.
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TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
SCENE: After casting her first vote post Congress’ months-long August recess, Sen. Gillibrand exits the Capitol on her phone. Ask a Pol walks quietly in back of her, giving her space to finish the call, as she walks to her awaiting car. The senator wraps up the call just as she enters her car when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo grabs her attention and proceeds to conduct this brief — if BREAKING — exclusive interview.
Matt Laslo: “Hey, ma'am. Are we gonna see a UAP hearing this month?”
Kristen Gillibrand: “Yeah. I have it on the schedule.”
ML: “When is it scheduled?”
KG: “I don’t know.”
Gillibrand turns to her staff.
KG: “The UAP hearing, when is it?”
Staff starts looking up the date on her schedule, though, if they find the date on her schedule, they don’t share it.
KG: “It’s in September. I'm pretty sure.”
ML: “Interesting. Why is that a priority?”
KG: “It’s a priority for me, because I think it's very important that we continue to make things publicly available. Give a progress report on how many unidentified aerial phenomena we've assessed and analyzed, give examples of what we have identified and give examples of what we haven't identified so that the community can be kept up to speed about what we're actually doing and what this office is doing. We also want to try to continue to build credibility within this office so more of the public can feed in sightings and have a place and a platform to send information and inquiries, because that's eventually what this office is supposed to do.”
ML: “And this is going to be with AARO? Timothy Phillips?”
KG: “Yep. And we'll have a new — there's a new head that's been identified.”
ML: “Interesting.”
KG: “I don’t know that it’s been publicly named yet, but I'm hoping that the new head will be the one to testify.”
ML: “I'll be watching.”
KG: “Yes, thank you.”
ML: “Good to see ya. Have a good one now.”
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Thanks, Matt. Keep going!!
Preciate ya!
This is fantastic! I hope you can catch up with Luna and Burchett about the House hearing. Great work, Matt!!
Got you! Cheers 🍻
Thanks a ton!
Hoping I’ll be able to make it! I’ll definitely take a personal day and drive up to watch history be made! Keep up the good fight Matt!!
Let’s fist bump (or get a brew — except that will be one of my busiest days of the year 😂 )
Right on!!! I am pumped! Especially since she wants the new AARO Director Dr Kosloski to testify. Things are about to get verrryyy interesting!
New AARO guy: Dr. Jon T. Kosloski. Allegedly Jay Stratton says he was involved in the UAPTF in some fashion.
Lemme know if you read anything good on him. Flying blind — in part cause no one in Congress had met with him yet (besides Gillibrand, it seems…though not confirmed if they had a call or if it’s staff to staff level communication…)