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"People ought to be very cautious," US Sen. Moran post-classified NJ drone briefing
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"People ought to be very cautious," US Sen. Moran post-classified NJ drone briefing


Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) — Senate Intelligence Committee

LISTEN: Laslo & Moran

Ask a Pol asks:

What’s your takeaway from the recent classified US Senate Intelligence Committee UAP briefing?

Key Moran:

“People ought to be very cautious,” Sen. Jerry Moran exclusively tells Ask a Pol.

ICYMI — Ask a Pol exclusive with Senate Intel Chair

Caught our ear:

Why weren’t you at the UAP briefing?

“I had it in the Intel Committee,” Moran tells us.

ICYMI — NEW: Ask a Pol exclusive post-Mayorkas briefing

PSA: Moran Interview Background

Ask a Pol spoke with Moran Dec. 4 shortly after 3pm EST as the Intelligence Committee member was exiting an all-Senators classified briefing on the Salt Typhoon hack, which overlapped with a New Jersey Congressional delegation briefing on the drone incursions by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Moran is one of many interviews Laslo did outside the all-Senate SCIF briefing, many clarifying what Booker initially told us, thus we were forced to publish a rare correction.

Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS), slightly edited for clarity.

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Merry fucking whatever!!!


TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Jerry Moran

SCENE: After leaving the briefing in the Senate SCIF — or sensitive compartmented information facility — Sen. Jerry Moran is waiting outside of an arriving tram underneath the US Capitol when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo quickly catches him on the New Jersey drone incursions.

Matt Laslo: “Why aren't you at the UAP briefing?”

Jerry Moran: “I had that briefing.”

ML: “Oh yeah?”

Moran nods affirmatively.

ML: “How’d it go?”

JM: “I had it in the Intel Committee.”

ML: “The look on your face says...”

The look on his face…serious.

JM: “People ought to be very cautious.”

The robotic, unforgiving Senate tram doors slide open.

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ML: “Yeah?”

Moran enters the tram; Ask a Pol stays back in the Capitol to stake out the SCIF.

ML: “Was that one earlier today or...?”

JM: “No. It would just be one of the normal ones.”*

*when in session, the US Senate Intelligence Committee, meets biweekly, Tuesday & Thursday afternoons, historically, for classified briefings.

ML: “Yeah?”

Moran nods.

ML: “Yeah. Preciate ya.”Andrey Beregovskiy contributed to this report.

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