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Rep. Burlison: "we still have dark programs that are spending money that we don't have an answer for"
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Rep. Burlison: "we still have dark programs that are spending money that we don't have an answer for"

Ep. 237 — Rep. Eric Burlison says he wants Ask a Pol subscribers to send him tips on where to investigate next! (5-1-2024)
Rep. Eric Burlison and Congressional UAP Caucus address congressional press corps in the US Capitol. Photo: Matt Laslo


Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) — Congressional UAP Caucus

LISTEN: Laslo & Burlison


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Key Burlison : 

“When [Rep. Tim] Burchett asked about some of the data, they said that they had not received data from the Navy. That's pretty alarming,” Rep. Eric Burlison exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “But it's been over a year they've, you know, AARO is not getting all the information that they want. I mean, they said that in general, they are — most or all the other agencies are cooperative, but at the end of the day, they're not getting some of it.”

AARO has work to do

“Probably the vast majority of this, of the photos and videos, the vast majority are fake. Or are photos of things that are not necessarily UAP,” Burlison tells us. “And so that being said, I think that AARO is not done. They still have some stuff to do. And I don't think that our job should be done either. And at the end of the day, we still have dark programs that are spending money that we don't have an answer for.”


Caught our ear:

“I'd like to hear from your community, what steps they think are the best steps to take next,” Burlison tells us of our growing Ask a Pol army! “I think that you guys want a guy like me. Because at the end of the day, I'm going to shoot you straight. And if I see something that changed my worldview, you're gonna know.”


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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Eric Burlison  (R-MO), slightly edited for clarity.

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TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Eric Burlison 

SCENE: Burlison’s walking to the a vote with another lawmaker when Burlison stops to chat with Laslo on the Capitol steps ahead of a House vote.

Eric Burlison: “Hey.”

Matt Laslo: “How y’all doin?”

EB: “Good. Good.”

Laslo quips to the other lawmaker.

ML: “You get a pass this time, sir.”

They laugh.

ML: “How you feeling?”

EB: “Good.”

ML: “Any follow-up on where the, like, next UAP hearing or anything like that?”

EB: “Yeah, let's have a seat.”

Burlison motions for Laslo to sit with him, so he does.

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EB: “I was brainstorming that the other day. I think what we ought to do is: a) I think that the information that we received, there's no reason why that shouldn’t be made public.”

ML: “Yeah? And there’s broad agreement?”

EB: “We need to call on AARO [All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office] to declassify that same report they gave to Congress. Some of the images they're saying are top-secret because of the technology that collected the images, but the content should be made public.”

ML: “Yeah?”

EB: “And, in addition, y’know, in reflecting on what was not said, there's still a lot of questions.”

ML: “Yeah?”

EB: “So, like one of them was that — I think I mentioned this to you — is that when [Rep. Tim] Burchett asked about some of the data, they said that they had not received data from the Navy. That's pretty alarming. But it's been over a year they've, you know, AARO is not getting all the information that they want. I mean, they said that in general, they are — most or all the other agencies are cooperative, but at the end of the day, they're not getting some of it. So I think that I'd like to — I don't know, I'd like to hear from your community, what steps they think are the best steps to take next.”

ML: “Do you feel like you were misrepresented in what you told us leaving there or that we misrepresented you in any way?”

ICYMI — Ask a Pol’s exclusive w/ Rep. Eric Burlison 

EB: “Nah-uh. What I'm — like, I think I've been consistent. Like my attitude is, I'm gonna be a skeptic until you can prove, until you can show me. I'm a Missourian, I'm gonna be that way.”

ML: “Yeah?”

EB: “And I walked out of that room. They didn't, they didn't — there was nothing. And I didn't anticipate that they would, but I do think — if anything, I think that there was quite a few things, sightings that we've seen that have made their way to the public that they were able to dispel to me in such a way that I feel fairly certain that they're probably right.”

ML: “And in better ways than they've done publicly?”

EB: “Yeah. And to — y’know, one of my friends who was in the UAP — he's a UFO, what do you call them? Ufologists?”

ML: “Yeah.”

EB: “He said, and I tend to agree with him is that, probably the vast majority of this, of the photos and videos, the vast majority are fake. Or are photos of things that are not necessarily UAP. And so that being said, I think that AARO is not done, they still have some stuff to do. And I don't think that our job should be done either. And at the end of the day, we still have dark programs that are spending money that we don't have an answer for.”

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ML: “Cause that's been the interesting thing with AARO. They've been like, look, we answered the questions on like these 500 that we can identify. And it's like, no one cares about those.”

Laslo chuckles.

EB: “Yeah.”

ML: “What are the other ones? And on the Senate side, they say — yeah.”

EB: “Well, and what I would say is like, in general, like, I'm gonna continue to go about it the way that I am. But I think that what that does, what it does do is for the community is that a guy — I think that you guys want a guy like me. Because at the end of the day, I'm going to shoot you straight. And if I see something that changed my worldview, you're gonna know.”

ML: “Yeah. Right?”

EB: “And people will hopefully find that with credibility. If that makes sense.”

ML: “No. A thousand percent.”

Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol.  

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